April 08, 2016

google dmarc report xml explained

understanding google dmarc xml

<<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <feedback> <report_metadata> <org_name>google.com</org_name> <email>noreply-dmarc-support@google.com</email> <extra_contact_info>https://support.google.com/a/answer/2466580</extra_contact_info> <report_id>15635948358825559315</report_id> <date_range> <begin>1459987200</begin> <end>1460073599</end> </date_range> </report_metadata> <policy_published> <domain>example.com</domain> <adkim>r</adkim> <aspf>r</aspf> <p>none</p> <sp>none</sp> <pct>100</pct> </policy_published> <record> <row> <source_ip>74.xx.xxx.xx</source_ip> <count>5</count> <policy_evaluated> <disposition>none</disposition> <dkim>fail</dkim> <spf>pass</spf> </policy_evaluated> </row> <identifiers> <header_from>example.com</header_from> </identifiers> <auth_results> <spf> <domain>example.com</domain> <result>pass</result> </spf> </auth_results> </record> </feedback>

September 26, 2015

couldn't able to start rabbitmq server error description undef

Problem: Could not able to start rabbitmq server 3.5.5 in ubuntu 1404. Shows error description as undef

 Error description:  
 Log files (may contain more information):  
 Stack trace:  
 {"init terminating in do_boot",undef}  
 Crash dump was written to: erl_crash.dump  
 init terminating in do_boot (undef)  

./rabbitmq-server: 42: ./rabbitmq-server: cannot create ./../var/lib/rabbitmq/mnesia/rabbit@host-name.pid: Permission denied

This article explains how to install and start rabbitmq server from tar.gz or zip file

Latest rabbitmq binaries will be available in https://www.rabbitmq.com/download.html

 ./rabbitmqctl status  
 Status of node 'rabbit@user' ...  
 Error: unable to connect to node 'rabbit@user': nodedown  
 attempted to contact: ['rabbit@user']  
  * connected to epmd (port 4369) on user  
  * epmd reports: node 'rabbit' not running at all  
          no other nodes on user  
  * suggestion: start the node  
 current node details:  
 - node name: 'rabbitmq-cli-4379@user'  
 - home dir: /root  
 - cookie hash: DF1wwqN1m3Yr/KRh3g47gA==  

July 30, 2015

find heap size in hprof file

find heap size in hprof file

find actual heap size from hprof file

How to find the total heap memory consumed by all the instances of classes under a specific package.

Example, would like to know how much heap memory was consumed by `org.apache.log4j.*` This should certainly include the String, HashMap, etc. used by log4j

Tried Eclipse Memory Analyzer MAT but couldn't find the total heap memory used for particular package.